Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

About Our School

We study at Mater Dei Catholic Junior High School. Our school is pretty big. Our study system is moving class. If you want to know how many classes that our school have, you have to know our lessons in our school. Because, 1 lesson = 1 class.

1. Civics
2. Economics
3. Bahasa
4. English
5. Catholic Religion
6. Sport
7. Accountancy
8. Biology
9. Physics
10. Math
11. Traditional Dance
12. Art
13. Music
14. Information & Communication Technologies
15. Guidance & Conseling
16. Geography
17. History
18. Pretoefl

You can count by yourself, right? There are some others room in our school : Library, Biology Laboratory, Physics Laboratory, Canteen, Principal's Room, Teacher's Room, Guest's Room, Big Hall, Toilets (of course), Bahasa Laboratory, Field, Treasurer's Room, Student Council's Room and many more...

And now, we will explain how many extrakulikuler that you can join it if your study in our school.

1. Traditional Dance
2. Modern Dance
3. Computer
4. Marching Band
5. Choir
6. Futsal
7. Mini Soccer
8. Swimming
9. Science Club
10. Home Industry
11. Painting
12. Karate
13. Basketball
14. Chess
15. Badminton
16. English
17. Jurnalistic

and many more....

And there are some extra lessons in our school, so you can learn your difficult lesson deeper.

1. Math
2. Physics
3. Bahasa
4. English

In this year, our principal is Sister M Dorothea, SPM. Our treasurer is Sister Luciani, SPM.
Okay, they are teachers who teach us in our school.

1. Jolanda Pentury - English
2. Wiwiek Estiningsih - Bahasa
3. Lucia Kriswarini - Guidance and Counseling
4. Rina Wiyati - Physics & Biology
5. Margaretha Kamsiyati - Civics
6. Juanda Gultom - Sport
7. Anton Iskandar - Art
8. Antonius Sarjiono - History
9. Magdalena Sofia Susantiningsih - Economics
10. Elisabeth Maria Goretty Sulistyowati - Pretoefl
11. Petrus Sapto Widiyanto - Guidance and Counseling
12. Kusmayanti - Music
13. Padmi Astuti - Traditional Dance
14. Benediktus Dwi Hartanto - Information & Communication Technologies
15. Catarina Nur Retnowati - Math
16. Benny Rachmad - Accountancy & Sport

and many more...

1 komentar:

  1. No, Biology has 2 classrooms and Physics has more than 1 class room... -_-

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